It's been a while since I've been able to blog due to my lack of internet. I can get it on my phone but I cannot access this website which sucks because I would probably update at least once a week. So here's the update....
I'm pregnant again! Nine weeks as of Sunday. Mike, Weston and I are super excited. I'm speaking on behalf of Weston since he's only 6 months old and has no clue what's going on. Weston and Baby Dos will be all of 13 months apart if I go full term. I was two weeks early last time so who knows what will happen this time around. Does this make me crazy? Maybe, but I think in the long run I'm going to love having two so close. This baby was by no means an accident. Not that we were actively planning but we were just seeing what God had in store and obviously He had enough faith in us to raise these two children so close, so I have enough faith in us as well.
I had my first prenatal appointment on December 17th. I saw Dr. Nichelson. She is super nice and didn't yell at me for not getting my uterus back in shape. Baby Dos was measuring a tad small but nothing to worry about. I'm at a fairly decent weight, not my dream weight but not horrible. So far everything is looking good. I wasn't able to hear the heart beat cause the little one was so, well, little. As such, I go back January 7th to take another peak! I'm super excited! When I get a chance I will scan and upload the first little picture I got of my little blur baby.
I'm still nursing Weston but I think I will be stopping soon, especially if Dos measures small again. He will have gotten almost 7 months of milky goodness and I could definitely do without the late night feedings which I'm hoping formula will diminish.
Along with this pregnancy I've been pretty much an emotional wreck. This week is especially hard since Mike left today for Cambodia. He won't be back until January 10th. It hasn't even been 24 hours and I miss him like crazy. It's very difficult when your other half is halfway across the world. God called him over there and I'm trusting Him to bring Mike back safe and sound. I'm sure he will be extremely blessed during this whole experience.
Updates on Weston. The little bugger is growing so much! He's doing so many new things! I half expect him to just get up and walk and any moment. He's sitting up, rolling over, scooting forward, trying to get on hands and knees (hasn't quite gotten there yet), eating crackers (thanks to Uncle Donnie). He's very observant and extremely pleasant! He loves people and food which makes him a true Ferrante through and through. He's going to make an awesome big brother! There's no teeth yet but I assume they'll be coming soon due to grand waterfall that is Weston's mouth. I love this kid so much. He melts my heart everyday. He definitely takes after his Daddy!
Other news....I'm not so sure. Christmas was amazing. Having a child makes you look forward to it 10x more! Even if all he wants is to eat the wrapping paper! Mike really out-did himself. I woke up and found numerous presents beautifully wrapped just for me. This made me cry of course not because I was overwhelmed but because I felt like a horrible wife for not getting him anything. (These hormones! I tell ya...) You see we had each taken a certain amount of money and spoiled ourselves with it, which is what the plan was supposed to be. He did spend his money on himself but then he was blessed by some members of the church so he went and spoiled me. I was so grateful and still am.
I'm spending New Years at my sisters. I'm looking forward to being able to spend a few days with her. I will probably sleep through the actual New Year since that's what Weston will be doing. I'll be sure to give him two kisses at midnight. One from me and one from Daddy. To be honest, I'm looking forward to rest! And speaking of, it's after midnight now and I need to be going to bed. Nighty night.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Voting and other such fun...
Today is election day and I am voting for John McCain. Why?-you might ask. Because of the abortion issues. I would not be able to look at myself in the mirror if I vote for Barack Obama simply for his views on abortion. To think that a women would be able to choose to terminate her pregancy even days before it's due makes me literally sick and disgusted with this nation. Whether or not John McCain will be a better president beyond those issues, I'm not sure but I do know what my values are and what is the ultimate deciding factor for me. That's all I'm saying because I hate to dwell on politics because there are more important things in life like...
WESTON!!! He rolled over for the first time, from back to front, on October 26, 2008. We are still working on front to back but I assume he'll figure it out soon enough. He had a doctors appoinment on Halloween. 14 lbs. 8 oz., 26 inches long. Average for weight and above average for height. He got 3 more shots...poor baby. Speaking of Halloween....Weston was a horse.
Also, we took Weston to his first pumpkin patch when Angel was up from Florida. I'm going to add some pictures later but right now photobucket is being dumb so.....til later...
WESTON!!! He rolled over for the first time, from back to front, on October 26, 2008. We are still working on front to back but I assume he'll figure it out soon enough. He had a doctors appoinment on Halloween. 14 lbs. 8 oz., 26 inches long. Average for weight and above average for height. He got 3 more shots...poor baby. Speaking of Halloween....Weston was a horse.
Also, we took Weston to his first pumpkin patch when Angel was up from Florida. I'm going to add some pictures later but right now photobucket is being dumb so.....til later...
Friday, October 10, 2008
Growing Up
Thought it was time to update my blog. Weston is now almost 15 weeks old and is getting so big. According to the weigh me then weight us together method, he is weighing in at almost 15 lbs. We'll find out for sure on October 31st at his next Dr.'s appointment. At his last doctor's appointment he received four shots. He cried but ultimately took it like a champ! He gets four more at his upcoming appointment. :(
I'm currently babysitting on Mondays and Wednesdays 10-2. I love it. The baby girl that I watch is our youth pastor's daughter and she is so adorable and easy to handle. She has a little brother on the way! Weston really enjoys watching her and she seems to enjoy his company just as much. The best thing is that I can take Weston with me and we can enjoy lunch with daddy every now and then.
Food & Sleep:
We started giving Weston rice cereal on October 6th. He nurses before and after and only takes a few bites of cereal in between. It has helped him sleep better though. He's been sleeping for 7 hours for the first stretch. Eats. Sleeps for 2 more hours. Eats. Sleeps for about another 1-2 hours. I'm loving it! 


On October 8th, Weston started grabbing for his toys! He loves his infantino rattle! He is still not rolling over in either direction but he does hold his head up better and tolerates tummy time a little better. Due to the major drool and constant hand gnawing, I do believe Weston is in the process of teething.
Other things:

Mike and the praise team recently recorded a live album and it is fantastic! If you're interested in obtaining a copy, you should definitely contact the church. My mother-in-law has a solo and she has such an anointed voice! I can't wait to get a copy myself.
That's about all for now. I'm going to attempt to update about once a week for now on, especially since Weston is going to start doing so many new things and I definitely want to have a record of everything! Til and love Jesus!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008
We took Weston to Annapolis today. It was such a beautiful day and perfect for being out by the water. Mike and I finally bought our sailboat picture we've been looking for, for 2 years! They have great galleries in Annapolis. We also met another baby that was 3 days older than Weston. She was so cute! I love meeting babies around the same age as Weston. It's neat to compare their development! Weston barely slept the whole day which should make for a nice sleep tonight. Here is a wonderful picture of my little angel and his daddy!

Other outtings we've had with Weston:
By the time Weston was 2 1/2 months old, he had been to 7 states!!!!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Update on Weston....two months later (almost)
Life with Weston has been such an amazing ride. I've cried more in the last two months than I have in my entire life. I've cried tears of joy, happiness, exhaustion, frustration and any other emotion you could think of. Mostly tears of joy though. Weston is such an amazing little boy. His smile captures my heart every time even if they are his half asleep smiles he doesn't intend to do. I'm going to go through and try to capture the moments that stick out in my mind over the past 7 weeks so here goes....
The first night home.....(July 2nd)
Every mother's fear...will we last this first night home? Mike and I got home last this night, around 9:00 p.m. When we laid down for the night, I was hesitant of course just because I wanted to make sure Weston was breathing at every second! I drifted off to sleep only to find myself faced with a nightmare of Weston having a seizure and jumped straight out of my sleep only to find my little boy just fine. I stopped and prayed at that very moment that God would take those fears from my mind and vowed to not let the devil overtake my joy with fear. I've never had a nightmare since this night or even thought something would happen to Weston. I just pray that God's angels will be with my little boy and I know they are.
First doctor's visit....(July 3rd)
We had Weston's first doctor's visit when he was just three days old. Dr. Scobie is his pediatrician. He is a great doctor. At this appointment Weston weighed 6 lbs 12 oz meaning he lost some weight since he was born (he was 7 lbs 2 oz) He also had a PKU done and daddy stayed in the room for that. His heart murmur was gone and jaundice almost gone. He was in very good health overall.
Second doctor's visit....(July 10th)
At 10 days old, Weston had his second doctor's visit. His weight was back up to 7 lbs 3 oz meaning he is eating really well. Nothing else really exciting happened. Dr. Scobie said he was so healthy that we didn't have to come back for another 6 weeks.
Nursing Weston has been the biggest joy, yet frustration of this journey thus far. When Weston had his first growth spurt I didn't think I would make it. Having a baby eat from you every twenty minutes can really take a toll but we made it through and for the most part he does very well nowadays. There was soreness in the beginning a little but not nearly as bad as some woman have explained to me. And I'll admit to the discomfort of sitting in bed nursing while still healing from the delivery.....and the slight inconvenient when we are sitting in the middle of a meal in a restaurant, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. It's created a strong bond between me and my baby boy and it's healthy and free!!!
Belly button....
So for some reason Weston's cord stump took forever to fall off. We ended up going to the doctor for two doses of silver nitrate and after the second treatment it finally fell off. The cord feel off around 2:45 a.m. on Wednesday, August 6th. It was promptly thrown away the next morning. There will be no scrapbooking of the stump. Also, at his appointment on the 5th, Weston weighed 9 lbs 10 oz. He is a growing boy!!!
We started a bedtime routine on Monday, August 11th. We start around 10 p.m. and do a bath, eat and then bedtime story. I'm reading him the Chronicles of Narnia and usually by the time I am done a chapter he is out! We are now on the second week and he is usually asleep by 10:30 p.m. and doesn't wake up to eat again until 4:30 a.m. This is amazing and greatly appreciated by me!!! After he eats at 4:30 a.m. he goes back down again until 7:30-8:00 a.m. and then my happy morning baby wakes up for the day! During the day he take a few cat naps and about two good naps but they are not structured as of yet.
Other random things....
Weston started smiling around 5 weeks of age. I didn't note the exact day but it was around then. Also last week (at 6 weeks) he started to find his hands. He hasn't found them completely but twice I've caught him somewhat playing with them! He also does very good with lifting his head up during tummy time and when he is up on someones chest. He is also doing well with following objects with eyes and bearing some weight on his legs. He loves to kick his little feet and I wouldn't be surprised if he starts crawling at an early age.
That's about all for now.....sorry for the abundance of information in this blog but I just wanted to take the time to document some of the events that have occurred recently.
The first night home.....(July 2nd)
Every mother's fear...will we last this first night home? Mike and I got home last this night, around 9:00 p.m. When we laid down for the night, I was hesitant of course just because I wanted to make sure Weston was breathing at every second! I drifted off to sleep only to find myself faced with a nightmare of Weston having a seizure and jumped straight out of my sleep only to find my little boy just fine. I stopped and prayed at that very moment that God would take those fears from my mind and vowed to not let the devil overtake my joy with fear. I've never had a nightmare since this night or even thought something would happen to Weston. I just pray that God's angels will be with my little boy and I know they are.
First doctor's visit....(July 3rd)
We had Weston's first doctor's visit when he was just three days old. Dr. Scobie is his pediatrician. He is a great doctor. At this appointment Weston weighed 6 lbs 12 oz meaning he lost some weight since he was born (he was 7 lbs 2 oz) He also had a PKU done and daddy stayed in the room for that. His heart murmur was gone and jaundice almost gone. He was in very good health overall.
Second doctor's visit....(July 10th)
At 10 days old, Weston had his second doctor's visit. His weight was back up to 7 lbs 3 oz meaning he is eating really well. Nothing else really exciting happened. Dr. Scobie said he was so healthy that we didn't have to come back for another 6 weeks.
Nursing Weston has been the biggest joy, yet frustration of this journey thus far. When Weston had his first growth spurt I didn't think I would make it. Having a baby eat from you every twenty minutes can really take a toll but we made it through and for the most part he does very well nowadays. There was soreness in the beginning a little but not nearly as bad as some woman have explained to me. And I'll admit to the discomfort of sitting in bed nursing while still healing from the delivery.....and the slight inconvenient when we are sitting in the middle of a meal in a restaurant, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. It's created a strong bond between me and my baby boy and it's healthy and free!!!
Belly button....
So for some reason Weston's cord stump took forever to fall off. We ended up going to the doctor for two doses of silver nitrate and after the second treatment it finally fell off. The cord feel off around 2:45 a.m. on Wednesday, August 6th. It was promptly thrown away the next morning. There will be no scrapbooking of the stump. Also, at his appointment on the 5th, Weston weighed 9 lbs 10 oz. He is a growing boy!!!
We started a bedtime routine on Monday, August 11th. We start around 10 p.m. and do a bath, eat and then bedtime story. I'm reading him the Chronicles of Narnia and usually by the time I am done a chapter he is out! We are now on the second week and he is usually asleep by 10:30 p.m. and doesn't wake up to eat again until 4:30 a.m. This is amazing and greatly appreciated by me!!! After he eats at 4:30 a.m. he goes back down again until 7:30-8:00 a.m. and then my happy morning baby wakes up for the day! During the day he take a few cat naps and about two good naps but they are not structured as of yet.
Other random things....
Weston started smiling around 5 weeks of age. I didn't note the exact day but it was around then. Also last week (at 6 weeks) he started to find his hands. He hasn't found them completely but twice I've caught him somewhat playing with them! He also does very good with lifting his head up during tummy time and when he is up on someones chest. He is also doing well with following objects with eyes and bearing some weight on his legs. He loves to kick his little feet and I wouldn't be surprised if he starts crawling at an early age.
That's about all for now.....sorry for the abundance of information in this blog but I just wanted to take the time to document some of the events that have occurred recently.
Friday, July 11, 2008
So here goes...the story of my little one's arrival to the world....this will be lengthy but I'm mostly writing for my own records!
June 30, 2008....
I woke up around 5:30 a.m. to use the bathroom (not unusual); however, after I finished peeing I felt some more stuff coming out....(very unusual). It was more than just the general discharge that goes along with being pregnant but less than a gush of amniotic fluid. Nonetheless, I was pretty sure it was amniotic fluid leaking so I woke Mike up to warn him that we were going to have a baby on this day. I told him I wasn't going to call the doctor yet, that I would go back to sleep for a few hours and call when the office was open. I didn't want to call the emergency line and have my doctor woken up for no reason since it was a little leak. Of course, I couldn't sleep so I came downstairs and got on the computer to check email, myspace, etc. Once I was up and about the leaking just became continuous so around 6:00 a.m. I called the emergency line and had my doctor paged. I was told to call back if I didn't hear from Dr. Phillips within 20 minutes. Well 20 minutes came and went and I didn't call back. I figured she would get back to me eventually. (I didn't want to have her woken up on my account..haha) Around 6:45 a.m. I figured I would get a shower and we would head to the hospital whether I heard from the doctor or not. The slow leaking had now become more than just a drippy faucet and I was starting to get really anxious. I woke Mike up and told him to pack his bag, that I was getting a shower then he could get one and then we would head to the hospital. Of course as soon as I got in the shower my cell phone rang and it was Dr. Phillips. She told me to take a shower (done!), get some breakfast and then head to the hospital. So around 7:30 a.m. Mike and I were in the car heading towards Mercy Medical Center (in rush hour traffic...go figure) We got to the hospital around 8:30 a.m. and got checked in and given a room by 9:00 a.m. The soon to be grandparents started showing up around 9:30 a.m. ready for action! Because my contractions had not started and I was Group B Strep positive, they had to induce with Pitocin. I did NOT want this to happen but I wasn't up for a fight and I surely did not want to expose my son to the GBS anymore than needed. So I was started on Pitocin and antibiotics and the waiting game began. For the next three hours, the dose of Pitocin went up and down and up and down as they tried to find the right amount that would keep me in labor but also keep the baby healthy. Finally around 12:00 p.m. my contractions started. Not so bad at first....:) My goal to have Weston was 5:00 p.m. because that's when my doctor was leaving and none of the other three doctors in the practice was on call so they had a visiting doctor on call for them. I would have rather had a doctor that I knew deliver me but 5:00 p.m. came and went and no baby. I think at 4:30 p.m. I was still about 3-4 cm dialated...sucky! Around 6:00 p.m. I was around 6 cm dialated and everything whirlwinded from there. Between 6:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. I went from 6 cm to 10 cm! Ouch! I had opted for no pain medication so this was pretty much the worst part of it. I thought I'd reached my max when they finally said I could push and so I did...with everything in me...I pushed! Weston was having a hard time coming out and his heart rate had been fluxuating for about 20 minutes so Dr. Jones (the visiting doctor) said they needed to start breaking my bed down to take me to the Operating Room for an emergency worst fear! I begged and begged for her to let me push some more, and she did. Then with a little help of Dr. Jones (she cut me) I pushed really hard and out came flying this amazing baby boy!!! He didn't even stop at the neck like they like....he just came out finally! They wisked him away to check everything out. His apgar was 7 and he was crying but apparently he was also grunting which is a sign that something is wrong. Of course, I'm still being worked on and have no idea what is going on with my baby.....I'm freaking out! Finally someone told me that he was going to be taken to the NICU to have the grunting thing worked out. They let me hold him for about 45 seconds before taking him away. At this point I had agreed to get something for the pain of the episiotomy and before I knew it I was in LaLa Land....but I'm told they worked on me for 2 hours getting everything back to "normal". I lost a lot of blood and for a while everyone was scared....not me, I was out of it! Haha. I pulled through without having to get a blood transfusion! Meanwhile, Weston was doing a lot better in the NICU. He apparently had pheumothorax (sp?) which is a air socket in the lung. It worked itself out though! He stayed in NICU for 24 hours and then was able to come spend time with mommy and daddy. We both left the hospital on Wednesday night. Weston had an appointment with his pediatrician the next day to have a few things checked out, including a heart murmur (apparently common in a lot of babies) and his jaundice. Thursday's appointment proved that God is awesome, the murmur was gone and jaundice almost non-existent! I'm just praying now for a complete healing for myself, and I know that is coming also!
I'm so greatful for everyone who was there to support me: My Dad, Stepmom, Mom, Mother-in-Law, Maria, Pastor Dave, Ms. Debbie, and of course my most amazing husband, Mike! I don't know why God had me go through so much to end up with my beautiful baby boy, but I'm not bitter or angry, just greatful that He pulled me through. Sometimes, I think we just through things to learn to depend on God. I can't tell you how much this experience has touched my spirit and made me rely on God over all. I thank God for his gift everyday and pray His angels keep watch over my little one especially in the wee hours of the night. Weston has such a calling on his life and I can't wait to watch it pan out! I'm just greatful that God has given me a place in His child's life and that I can be a facilitator to the grand destiny God has in store for Weston! It's an honor that God trusts me to bring up His child in this world and I can only pray daily that God gives me the ability to do so. It's scary thinking about the years ahead but I'm ready for the challenges knowing that God is the real parent here! Thanks Father!!! :)
June 30, 2008....
I woke up around 5:30 a.m. to use the bathroom (not unusual); however, after I finished peeing I felt some more stuff coming out....(very unusual). It was more than just the general discharge that goes along with being pregnant but less than a gush of amniotic fluid. Nonetheless, I was pretty sure it was amniotic fluid leaking so I woke Mike up to warn him that we were going to have a baby on this day. I told him I wasn't going to call the doctor yet, that I would go back to sleep for a few hours and call when the office was open. I didn't want to call the emergency line and have my doctor woken up for no reason since it was a little leak. Of course, I couldn't sleep so I came downstairs and got on the computer to check email, myspace, etc. Once I was up and about the leaking just became continuous so around 6:00 a.m. I called the emergency line and had my doctor paged. I was told to call back if I didn't hear from Dr. Phillips within 20 minutes. Well 20 minutes came and went and I didn't call back. I figured she would get back to me eventually. (I didn't want to have her woken up on my account..haha) Around 6:45 a.m. I figured I would get a shower and we would head to the hospital whether I heard from the doctor or not. The slow leaking had now become more than just a drippy faucet and I was starting to get really anxious. I woke Mike up and told him to pack his bag, that I was getting a shower then he could get one and then we would head to the hospital. Of course as soon as I got in the shower my cell phone rang and it was Dr. Phillips. She told me to take a shower (done!), get some breakfast and then head to the hospital. So around 7:30 a.m. Mike and I were in the car heading towards Mercy Medical Center (in rush hour traffic...go figure) We got to the hospital around 8:30 a.m. and got checked in and given a room by 9:00 a.m. The soon to be grandparents started showing up around 9:30 a.m. ready for action! Because my contractions had not started and I was Group B Strep positive, they had to induce with Pitocin. I did NOT want this to happen but I wasn't up for a fight and I surely did not want to expose my son to the GBS anymore than needed. So I was started on Pitocin and antibiotics and the waiting game began. For the next three hours, the dose of Pitocin went up and down and up and down as they tried to find the right amount that would keep me in labor but also keep the baby healthy. Finally around 12:00 p.m. my contractions started. Not so bad at first....:) My goal to have Weston was 5:00 p.m. because that's when my doctor was leaving and none of the other three doctors in the practice was on call so they had a visiting doctor on call for them. I would have rather had a doctor that I knew deliver me but 5:00 p.m. came and went and no baby. I think at 4:30 p.m. I was still about 3-4 cm dialated...sucky! Around 6:00 p.m. I was around 6 cm dialated and everything whirlwinded from there. Between 6:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. I went from 6 cm to 10 cm! Ouch! I had opted for no pain medication so this was pretty much the worst part of it. I thought I'd reached my max when they finally said I could push and so I did...with everything in me...I pushed! Weston was having a hard time coming out and his heart rate had been fluxuating for about 20 minutes so Dr. Jones (the visiting doctor) said they needed to start breaking my bed down to take me to the Operating Room for an emergency worst fear! I begged and begged for her to let me push some more, and she did. Then with a little help of Dr. Jones (she cut me) I pushed really hard and out came flying this amazing baby boy!!! He didn't even stop at the neck like they like....he just came out finally! They wisked him away to check everything out. His apgar was 7 and he was crying but apparently he was also grunting which is a sign that something is wrong. Of course, I'm still being worked on and have no idea what is going on with my baby.....I'm freaking out! Finally someone told me that he was going to be taken to the NICU to have the grunting thing worked out. They let me hold him for about 45 seconds before taking him away. At this point I had agreed to get something for the pain of the episiotomy and before I knew it I was in LaLa Land....but I'm told they worked on me for 2 hours getting everything back to "normal". I lost a lot of blood and for a while everyone was scared....not me, I was out of it! Haha. I pulled through without having to get a blood transfusion! Meanwhile, Weston was doing a lot better in the NICU. He apparently had pheumothorax (sp?) which is a air socket in the lung. It worked itself out though! He stayed in NICU for 24 hours and then was able to come spend time with mommy and daddy. We both left the hospital on Wednesday night. Weston had an appointment with his pediatrician the next day to have a few things checked out, including a heart murmur (apparently common in a lot of babies) and his jaundice. Thursday's appointment proved that God is awesome, the murmur was gone and jaundice almost non-existent! I'm just praying now for a complete healing for myself, and I know that is coming also!
I'm so greatful for everyone who was there to support me: My Dad, Stepmom, Mom, Mother-in-Law, Maria, Pastor Dave, Ms. Debbie, and of course my most amazing husband, Mike! I don't know why God had me go through so much to end up with my beautiful baby boy, but I'm not bitter or angry, just greatful that He pulled me through. Sometimes, I think we just through things to learn to depend on God. I can't tell you how much this experience has touched my spirit and made me rely on God over all. I thank God for his gift everyday and pray His angels keep watch over my little one especially in the wee hours of the night. Weston has such a calling on his life and I can't wait to watch it pan out! I'm just greatful that God has given me a place in His child's life and that I can be a facilitator to the grand destiny God has in store for Weston! It's an honor that God trusts me to bring up His child in this world and I can only pray daily that God gives me the ability to do so. It's scary thinking about the years ahead but I'm ready for the challenges knowing that God is the real parent here! Thanks Father!!! :)
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Still working on it...
Saw Dr. Hoffman again today. I gained one pound and blood pressure wasn't horrible. I dialated another centimeter so a total of 2 now! Also I am now 70% effaced. So I am making progress but still have a little while to go. Dr. Hoffman stripped my membrane which, if my body is ready, can put me into labor within the next few days! Yay!! (I am really hoping this works!) So at this point I am just waiting and waiting. Starting to get a little frustrated and inpatient but Weston will come when he is ready I suppose. Meanwhile, I'm doing what I can at home to speed things up. Until next time...
Monday, June 23, 2008
I got another sonogram today. Didn't get to take any home but you really couldn't tell what was what anyway because he's bigger now! As a matter of fact, he is weighing in at around 6 lbs 15 oz! That means he will definitely be 7 lbs within the next few days and ready to come out into the world!!! (cross your fingers, pray, wish on a star...whatever!!)
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Progress still...
Had another doctors appointment today with Dr. Hoffman. Blood pressure is still looking alright and I lost the pound I had gained on Monday (my last appointment). I'm still 1 1/2 cm dialated but about 50% effaced now! Last Thursday I wasn't really effaced at all so I made pretty good progress in that area! The baby's heartbeat is nice and strong which is definitely comforting and I never get tired of hearing it! Dr. Hoffman said she doesn't think I'll hold little Weston in until July 16th. Basically if I don't go into labor myself, they will help me out depending on my blood pressure! So exciting! I'm really hoping within the next week and a half! For now, I go for a sonogram on Monday and another exam on Thursday! Shooting for at least 3-4 cm by then so cross your fingers!!! :)
Monday, June 16, 2008
Making Progress
I had another doctors visit today. Seems I'll be going twice a week now since I was told to make another appointment on Thursday. Here are the basics from today's appointment....I gained another pound, fondal height is one cm over the norm (no big deal), I dialated another 1/2 cm (so 1 1/2 altogether) and blood pressure was lower (awesome!). I'm still on bed rest and they just want to keep a close eye on me. As of next Wednesday, I will be considered full term so even if baby comes soon he should be just fine! Although, my parents are away on a cruise and I've been told to hold him in until they get back. Haha. The bloodwork I had done last Thursday came back good. I also came back positive for Group B Strep which just means that when I go to deliver they will put me on antibiotics right away. As long as that happens, it won't get passed onto the baby. I'm not really sure what the effects are if it does get passed on.... Anyway, I have another check up on Thursday which I probably won't blog on unless there are significant changes and I have a sonogram appointment scheduled for next Monday (SO excited!) I'll have another update next week! Until then.....
Thursday, June 12, 2008
So I had my ninth prenatal appointment today at 35 weeks along. Of course what I thought was going to be an "in and out" ordeal, didn't end up that way. As always they took my weight and blood pressure. Gained one pound! Great! Blood pressure...not so great. The nursing assistant took it a second time which was a little better. Next the doctor came in and did a Group B Strep culture (which hopefully will turn out just fine) and a pelvic exam. I am one centimeter dialated, which is good! She then had the nursing assistant take my blood pressure again. So two more times I had it taken and not really good either time. Basically the visit ended up by my doctor telling me I couldn't go back to work until after the baby is born. Dr. Hoffman thinks I have PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension) which isn't very serious but could turn into preeclampsia which isn't good. As I understand it, PIH only effects me so the baby is healthy. But if this changes to preeclampsia then the baby starts to get involved. I had some blood drawn and should get the test back tomorrow. I go back to the doctor on monday to have my blood pressure taken again and I am supposed to make another sonogram appointment. Definitely excited about getting to see the baby again before he comes out but NOT excited about this whole PIH and bed rest thing. I was in no way prepared to stop working. I do actually like my job and am very sad about leaving now. It was already planned that I wouldn't be going back to work at Alperstein & Diener after the baby is born so basically, I am done my work there for good. Of course there's now the financial stress as well but I am just trusting that God will provide in that arena. I am happy, however, that baby is healthy, the pregnancy is coming along, and I'm going to save a lot of money on gas! But if you're in my area and you are bored please come see me! I'm going to need things to do!!!
I will update as I hear things from the doctor! :(
I will update as I hear things from the doctor! :(
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Trucking on...
So I'm 33 weeks and 2 days and had my eighth prenatal appointment today. Nothing too fancy to report on. I gained another 2 lbs which is right on track so I'm still not complaining. :) I'm measuring 33 cm in fundal height, blood pressure looks good, and baby's heartbeat is strong and steady. That's about it!
Until next time!!!
Until next time!!!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Mike and I bought a house! It's crazy really. We thought it might be a smart thing to do about a month ago so we started looking. One of the houses we first looked at was perfect! We put a bid on it and settled on Monday, May 12, 2008. The sellers have been amazing, helping us fix things and what not. This process has made me realize how blessed I am and I'm not taking it for granted! Anyway, the house is in Hampstead. It's a townhome with three floors, a finished basement, three bedrooms, 1 1/2 bath, deck, fireplace, etc. We plan on moving on May 24th so once we start getting in there I will take some pictures. I will admit, I'm a little overwhelmed. We have a lot of packing and stuff to do and I know I'm going to be hitting that nesting stage soon and want to get this new house in top notch order before the baby gets here. I ordered the furniture (thanks Ms. Bobbie) and can't wait for that to come in! I want everything to be perfect for Weston. Knowing that, I realize I have a lot to do in the next 8 weeks or so! Pray that I don't wear myself out! I want to keep him and myself healthy!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
head down
Hello! I had my seventh prenatal appointment (and I'm beginning to lose track!) yesterday at 31 weeks and 1 day! Besides waiting for my doctor to make 2 deliveries, nothing too exciting to note. I gained another three pounds making a total of 23 pounds all together which the doctor says is great. Blood pressure was good. Weston is still head down and very low according to Dr. Phillips. She says that will make for a nice delivery. Music to my ears! She also felt around and pushed around and concluded that he's not that big right now. Again, music to my ears! Although, sometimes I feel like I am carrying around a football helmit in my stomach! Anyway, that's about all. I start going every 2 weeks now so my next appointment is May 27th. I'm thinking my updates will begin to get shorter!
Later!! :)
Later!! :)
Friday, May 2, 2008
So I got the results of my glucose screening and....everything looks good! No gestational diabetes! Another triumph for the pregnancy experience!!! :) The only thing they had to say negative was that my blood count is a little lower than they would like so I have to go get an iron supplement and start taking that along with my prenatal vitamins. This is no surprise to me as I had blood count problems before pregnancy, so really I should have known this would come up. No biggy though...I will stop and get some iron supplements tonight and this problem will be no more! Yay for a healthy and amazing baby Weston! :)
BTW...Mike and I start Birthing Class on 5/5/08. Should be fun!! :)
BTW...Mike and I start Birthing Class on 5/5/08. Should be fun!! :)
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
and another one...
HI! So I am 28 weeks and 3 days along now and today I had my sixth prenatal appointment. I had to drink that orange glucose "soda" before hand which really just tasted like flat orange soda so it wasn't horrible! When I first got to my appointment they drew my blood for my diabetes screening pretty much right away. I should be getting the results back from that around Monday next week. So then I went back out in the waiting room to wait.....and wait....and wait.....then my doctor had to go deliver a baby so Mike and I went and got lunch while she was off doing that. When we got back to the doctor's office she was on her way back down so we only waited a little while longer before seeing her. So now for the blood pressure was a little high but it is consistently that way so they aren't really worried. I gained 7 pounds in the past month!!!! Still not really worried about that though since I'm still in below the average amount gained (I have to do a little self-assuring every now and then... :) ) Weston's heartbeat is strong and steady (about 154 beats per minute) and his head is still facing down! Also today was the first time they measured my fondal height which was 28 cm which means I'm totally average as it's supposed to match what week your in. Hence, I'm 28 weeks along and measuring at 28 cm...normal. Seems to be a common theme in this pregnancy...everything just about normal. I'll take it that way cause it's all going really good so far! My next appointment is in 3 weeks and then I go to every 2 weeks!!! (YAY!!!) Once I get the results from my diabetes tests I will post a little interlude blog!!! Keep a look out!! :)
Sunday, March 30, 2008
appointment update
I had my fifth prenatal appointment on March 27th at 24 weeks and 4 days! Nothing too exciting to share. Weston is doing just great! His heart sounds wonderful and he is making sure mommy is putting on weight! A gain of four pounds this month! Still about average so I’m not complaining! :) He certainly did not like the cream on my stomach for the Doppler. It must have been too cold for him and he kicked the Doppler twice! He’s going to have such a personality! I can’t wait to meet him!
Doctor says it’s ok to get a prenatal massage so that will definitely be happening once my Florida sunburn goes away!
I get my gestational diabetes test next time so be looking for more on that!!!
See ya! :)
Doctor says it’s ok to get a prenatal massage so that will definitely be happening once my Florida sunburn goes away!
I get my gestational diabetes test next time so be looking for more on that!!!
See ya! :)
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Just to remember the event:
On Tuesday (March 3rd) Mike felt the baby move for the first time!!! It was exciting! I have been wanting Mike to feel it since I could! I hope he (the baby) continues to move and kick around so others can feel too! :)
That's all.
On Tuesday (March 3rd) Mike felt the baby move for the first time!!! It was exciting! I have been wanting Mike to feel it since I could! I hope he (the baby) continues to move and kick around so others can feel too! :)
That's all.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
fourth appointment
Ok. So today was my fourth prenatal checkup. I am 20 weeks and 4 days. My friend Amy from work came with me because Mike had a meeting to attend. Thanks Amy!
Pre-Doctor's Visit: This morning I had a bad breakfast and right after I started getting really bad stomach pains all around. Finally after getting them for about 10 minutes, everything I ate came back put it nicely. However, the pains didn't go away for at least another hour. By the time I had gotten to the doctor pains had stopped completely.
Back to the visit:
I asked the doctor about the pains and of course she asked me what I ate and when I told her she scolded me and told me no more of that. Basically because my stomach is being squished it's less tolerant of things I could eat before, mainly greasy foods. It was a relief nothing else was the matter though...
Otherwise, the baby sounded great and kept moving while she was doing the doppler. He's an active little guy that's for sure! My blood pressure was good (thankfully, since it was pretty high the last time I was there). Also I gained four pounds! Not too happy about that but well...what can I do! I don't feel like I gained that much and don't think it's showing quite yet so I'm not too upset. Nothing else too exciting happening. Mike still hasn't been able to feel the baby move yet but hopefully soon.
Also, I wanted to add to my last email that when I went for my sonogram the baby was 12 ounces. They didn't do the length which kind of sucks because I wanted a record of how long he was at that point but whatever. I don't think I noted exactly how much he weighed in my last blog, so here it is! If I did, sorry about the repeat!
I'll be back in about a month for another update! Next appointment-3/27 (which is also when I leave for Florida!!!!)
Pre-Doctor's Visit: This morning I had a bad breakfast and right after I started getting really bad stomach pains all around. Finally after getting them for about 10 minutes, everything I ate came back put it nicely. However, the pains didn't go away for at least another hour. By the time I had gotten to the doctor pains had stopped completely.
Back to the visit:
I asked the doctor about the pains and of course she asked me what I ate and when I told her she scolded me and told me no more of that. Basically because my stomach is being squished it's less tolerant of things I could eat before, mainly greasy foods. It was a relief nothing else was the matter though...
Otherwise, the baby sounded great and kept moving while she was doing the doppler. He's an active little guy that's for sure! My blood pressure was good (thankfully, since it was pretty high the last time I was there). Also I gained four pounds! Not too happy about that but well...what can I do! I don't feel like I gained that much and don't think it's showing quite yet so I'm not too upset. Nothing else too exciting happening. Mike still hasn't been able to feel the baby move yet but hopefully soon.
Also, I wanted to add to my last email that when I went for my sonogram the baby was 12 ounces. They didn't do the length which kind of sucks because I wanted a record of how long he was at that point but whatever. I don't think I noted exactly how much he weighed in my last blog, so here it is! If I did, sorry about the repeat!
I'll be back in about a month for another update! Next appointment-3/27 (which is also when I leave for Florida!!!!)
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
sonogram :)
As I am sure you guessed by now....I am having a boy!!! Mike and I are so excited!!! We went for the mid pregnancy sonogram at 19 weeks and 3 days! All the measurements of the head, arms, legs, fingers, fluid, heart, and everything else looks good!!! The baby is about 8 ounces right now. They didn't tell me the length but she did say that the baby is measuring at about 20 weeks and a couple days instead of 19 weeks and a couple days, so my guess is baby is developing very well!!!! Heartbeat was about 155!!! All blood flow looked good! And well.....he is gorgeous from what I can tell!!! That's about all for now! I have a regular check up appointment next week so there will be another update soon!
As I am sure you guessed by now....I am having a boy!!! Mike and I are so excited!!! We went for the mid pregnancy sonogram at 19 weeks and 3 days! All the measurements of the head, arms, legs, fingers, fluid, heart, and everything else looks good!!! The baby is about 8 ounces right now. They didn't tell me the length but she did say that the baby is measuring at about 20 weeks and a couple days instead of 19 weeks and a couple days, so my guess is baby is developing very well!!!! Heartbeat was about 155!!! All blood flow looked good! And well.....he is gorgeous from what I can tell!!! That's about all for now! I have a regular check up appointment next week so there will be another update soon!
Monday, February 18, 2008
interlude and freak out!
Hey, just wanted to update you guys on a few things! Well, some of you know that I was having testing done to see if I had lupus and well we got the results back on that and I DO NOT have it!!! Yay for not having lupus! I had gone to my dermotologist about a month ago and had a red spot on my forehead looked at and when one of the doctors came in, he said it looked like it could be a sign of lupus and sent me for bloodwork to be tested for it. I had to wait a month for the results but I finally found out last Monday that everything is fine. The main doctor in the practice came in to see me (he was out the first time I went) and said it was basically really dry skin on top of a slight case of rosacea. There is some fancy name for it but I don't remember it. Anyway, after I've had the baby and am not nursing anymore they can give me a topical ointment for it!
On to more exciting things....the baby is moving for real now! It's so awesome. Baby is definitely making it's presence known. About a week ago I felt the baby move while I was standing up! That hadn't happened before because usually I felt it when I was laying down and sometimes when I was sitting. Maybe not a milestone for everyone, but I was pretty excited about it. :) FYI, I go to The Center for Advance Fetal Care at Mercy on Wednesday to have my mid-pregnancy sonogram and will find out if I am having a boy or girl!!! So definitely keep a look out for an update in the next couple days!
Happy Presidents Day!
I am editing this blog because I wanted to add something for my own records later. About a week after my last appointment (My third prenatal) I sort of freaked about because I hadn't felt the baby move in two going on three days. Unless I called my doctor, I would have worried myself sick. Although I had really just begun feeling the baby move, I was still worried. I called the doctor the morning of February 7th (I'm pretty sure) and spoke to the receptionist and let her know what was going on. She, in turn, spoke with one of the physical assistants who confirmed what I thought about it being too early to feel the baby move everyday. However, they set me up for an appointment at 10:00 that morning to make sure everything was ok and to calm my fears. (What can I say...this is my first pregnancy! I'd rather over worry than not worry enough!) So I went to the doctor expecting to just get a doppler check of the heart; however, Dr. Hoffman did a sonogram and I got to see the baby! He had grown SO much since the last time I saw him and was just fine, of course. The placenta is right in front so Dr. Hoffman said that is going to hinder my feeling movement often because it's basically like an inch thick pillow between me and the baby. Anyway, so my fears were diminished and of course I had overreacted. At this point, the baby is head down so I feel him move all the time in my lower abdomen!
On to more exciting things....the baby is moving for real now! It's so awesome. Baby is definitely making it's presence known. About a week ago I felt the baby move while I was standing up! That hadn't happened before because usually I felt it when I was laying down and sometimes when I was sitting. Maybe not a milestone for everyone, but I was pretty excited about it. :) FYI, I go to The Center for Advance Fetal Care at Mercy on Wednesday to have my mid-pregnancy sonogram and will find out if I am having a boy or girl!!! So definitely keep a look out for an update in the next couple days!
Happy Presidents Day!
I am editing this blog because I wanted to add something for my own records later. About a week after my last appointment (My third prenatal) I sort of freaked about because I hadn't felt the baby move in two going on three days. Unless I called my doctor, I would have worried myself sick. Although I had really just begun feeling the baby move, I was still worried. I called the doctor the morning of February 7th (I'm pretty sure) and spoke to the receptionist and let her know what was going on. She, in turn, spoke with one of the physical assistants who confirmed what I thought about it being too early to feel the baby move everyday. However, they set me up for an appointment at 10:00 that morning to make sure everything was ok and to calm my fears. (What can I say...this is my first pregnancy! I'd rather over worry than not worry enough!) So I went to the doctor expecting to just get a doppler check of the heart; however, Dr. Hoffman did a sonogram and I got to see the baby! He had grown SO much since the last time I saw him and was just fine, of course. The placenta is right in front so Dr. Hoffman said that is going to hinder my feeling movement often because it's basically like an inch thick pillow between me and the baby. Anyway, so my fears were diminished and of course I had overreacted. At this point, the baby is head down so I feel him move all the time in my lower abdomen!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
third time around...
I am now 16 weeks and 4 days! Things should really start moving along for me. Today Baby Ferrante, Mike and I had our third prenatal appointment. We met a new doctor, Dr. Hoffman, who was extremely nice and helpful! Nothing too exciting happened. I had some blood drawn for cord screening (no idea what that means but it checks the brain development and something else). Also, I gained three pounds since my last visit so that makes a total of.....3 lbs for the entire pregnancy so far! Yay me! Apparently, my blood pressure was a little high but nobody seemed to worried about that, so I'm not. Could of just been because I was nervous (don't know if that affects blood pressure or not....). Why was I nervous? I always am nervous when I go...but I always find out everything is just fine and then I'm not nervous anymore. We got to hear the heartbeat again. Pretty much the most amazing sound you will ever hear. Other than that...the future holds a trip to the Center for Advanced Fetal Care for my sonogram at the end of February. We will find out at that time if the baby is developing like it should and whether it has girl parts or boy parts! Yay! Also, I go back to the doctor on February 28th for another routine check up.
Oh! I almost forgot. I have begun feeling the baby move! Actually, just as I wrote that the little bugger is giving me butterflies! It's amazing! It doesn't happen very often but when it does, it's so exciting. I can't wait til my angel is really kicking and daddy and all my friends can feel too!
Keep a look out for my next update!
Oh! I almost forgot. I have begun feeling the baby move! Actually, just as I wrote that the little bugger is giving me butterflies! It's amazing! It doesn't happen very often but when it does, it's so exciting. I can't wait til my angel is really kicking and daddy and all my friends can feel too!
Keep a look out for my next update!
Friday, January 4, 2008
the journey continues..
So...I had my second prenatal visit today at 12 weeks and 5 days! We got to see the baby again which was amazing! Baby Ferrante has gotten bigger since the last time we went. The heartbeat is strong and baby is stubborn! Dr. Abello tried to get the baby to move around so we could see a profile but baby stayed turned with it's back to us! Stubborn like it's mommy! Haha! We also got to hear the heartbeat this time! I recorded it so my family could hear! Besides that everything is good. All my bloodwork came back fine and I haven't gained any weight since my last visit (haven't lost any either so the doctor says that fine). I feel good about not gaining any because I've been eating everything in sight these days. As long as baby is growing, I'm ok with whatever I weigh. That's about it. It was refreshing to know everyone is healthy!
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