Week 26!

December 19, 2009: On Saturday it snowed over 2 feet! It was so nice to be snowed in with my family, especially since Mike made some delicious chicken noodle soup! Here he is making the preparations.

December 20, 2009: After Mike spent the morning digging the cars out, I went and finished up some Christmas shopping. Here are the first presents put under the tree! Surprisingly, Weston didn't try to rip them to shreds! He left them alone all the way up until Christmas Eve when there were so many presents under there, he was bound to get curious!

December 21, 2009: With the new snow, I thought I'd test Weston again, to see if he liked it this time around. He did cry at first when I put him down in it, but after a while, he got to checking it out and in the end, decided he liked it....if he wasn't sitting in it...

December 22, 2009: This was a picture taken for Facebook, with the camera on Mike's Mac. How cute does Gray look!? His shirt says I'm the King of the Playpen. Of course, you can only see the "I'm the King" part which fits just as well! Haha.

December 23, 2009: We had our Sunday/Christmas Eve service on Wednesday (since Sunday was canceled due to snow, and they were originally calling for more snow on Christmas Eve and Christmas) Anyway, I took the opportunity to get some pictures of the family in front of the tree at church. I just love how this picture turned out!

December 24, 2009: We spent part of Christmas Eve with my Grandmom and the other part with Mike's dad and step-mom. Here they are with our boys! Weston is not too fond of sitting for pictures these days.

December 25, 2009: Merry Christmas! My favorite tradition going is telling the Christmas story to the boys before we get to all the presents and hub-bub of the day. We did it last year with jsut Weston, this year with both of the boys, and plan on keeping it up for years to come!