Week 25!

December 12, 2009: We took the boys to Westminster Town Mall for our church's outreach. While we were there, I had the boys picture taken with Santa. It went pretty well, as you can see...haha

December 13, 2009: I just love this table in our nursery at church! It's hardly ever totally filled but this Sunday lots of the kids wanted to eat at the same time! So cute!

December 14, 2009: Jacqueline (our youth pastor's wife) came over with Wyatt and Selina so we could get a picture of the staff's children for the church Christmas card this year. After lots of crying (from the kids) and sweating (from me!) we finally got a few good pictures. This was my favorite! Even though Gray isn't looking...I think this is just adorable.

December 15, 2009: We decided it was time for Weston to move up to a big boy bed since Grayson is definitely over the weight limit for his bassinet and will need to start sleeping in the crib. Here's Weston reading his book and looking so sleepy!

December 16, 2009: Fingerpainting! Weston's more apprehensive these days about getting his fingers all dirty but he did like to pick out his colors and watch mommy fingerpaint!

December 17, 2009: We had our staff Christmas party at the Sulcer's on Thursday and took some pictures by their beautiful tree! I wish I would have had this picture for our Christmas card this year. Oh well...

December 18, 2009: Another Christmas party! This one for the young families of our church. Isn't this picture just so precious? Selina loves babies so I thought she would like to hold Gray (with my help). Of course, she looks like an absolute doll in this picture! Almost makes me want a little girl.....almost. ;)
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