September 12, 2009: After driving to Columbia to make a Build-A-Bear, we accidentally left the bear in Borders. After about an hour, we realized it was missing so we turned around (we were already headed home) and it was still sitting by the kids books! Here we are naming the bear. Weston named it She-She. :)

September 13, 2009: Mike's grandmother and grandfather live in Waynesboro, PA. We took a trip up there after church for lunch. Here is Hon holding Grayson for the first time. She was so excited to finally meet her second great-grandson. And lunch was awesome of course!

September 14, 2009: My sister-in-law Meredith came over to visit and get her house key back. She and my brother just moved into our neighborhood! I'm so excited to have them so close to us!

September 15, 2009: I had a dentist appointment on this day and since Mike was in Atlanta, we had our friends, The Dubyoski's, watch Weston. Tina took him up and down her driveway (it's a looooong driveway) 3 times in this wagon! I'm sure she's used to the exercise since she has 7 kids of her own!

September 16, 2009: Our second play date with Molly! This time we drew on the sidewalk with sidewalk chalk. The kids had so much fun and got so worn out that Molly ended up falling asleep in her highchair during lunch!

September 17, 2009: Our trip to Chuck-E-Cheese got canceled since Brooke was sick :(. So Weston and I did the next best thing...we went to Chick-fil-a! Haha. The cow was there (our friend Nick from church) and as predicted, Weston did NOT like him. We had fun in the play area after eating though!

September 18, 2009: Today was my first day back at Read and Play. I was worried how Grayson would do but he was such a good boy! He loves tummy time and was really lifting his head and shoulders off the ground! I love this picture because you can see big brother Weston in the background playing!
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