Week 18!

October 24, 2009: Adelle and Kristin had joint birthday bash/fall fun night on this night. Weston and his musical self, was of course drawn to the Guitar Hero game!

October 25, 2009: At the end of the Harvest Hoedown at church Sunday night, they had a bonfire as they do every year. I love getting all cozy and warm with my family.

October 26, 2009: Weston is sure to be into something if I find he's too quiet for any period of time. This time it was the wipes...again. He balled each one up and put them in his shape sorter bin. Here he is trying to put them all back for me. How nice. :)

October 27, 2009: Weston is loving sitting in big boy chairs these days. I have to watch him with this chair though because it tips over pretty easily. Mike and I are planning on getting him a table and chair set for Christmas so he can sit and eat his cookies and watch tv without me being worried the whole time!

October 28, 2009: I think Weston knows how much Grayson hates to be in his carseat. He always tries to comfort him by giving him his ninnie or rocking his carseat back and forth. What a good big brother!

October 29, 2009: Weston "helping" his Moo-Moo (my mom) with the dishes....

October 30, 2009: Mike and I took the boys to Spring Meadow Farms to pick out pumpkins. We tried to get Weston to do the hay maze but he wasn't having it! Maybe next year.
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