Week 29!

January 9, 2010: Even though we were 2 1/2 hours late for Libi's 1st birthday party (I thought the party started at 2 when it really started at 12...ooops!) it was so good to see her and Desovia!
Weston and Libi were both too tired to really play together, but I did get them to stand together for this picture!

January 10, 2010: Sunday morning Weston woke up at 6 a.m. (2 hours earlier than normal). He wasn't feeling well, so I put on some cartoons and let him lay in our bed while we got ready for church. The bed and cartoons worked but what made him smile was snuggling up to his big sister, Ginger.

January 11, 2010: So we've lived in our house for almost 2 years now, and I had never been up to the attic until this day. Here it is...not too pretty but I wanted to see if there was room to store some stuff, which there is! I'm going to enjoy not having to crawl in the storage space under the foyer!

January 12, 2010: Until recently (meaning the last 3 nights) Grayson hadn't been sleeping too well in his crib. This is where he normally ends up...in my arms, in my bed! Hopefully the 8 hour stretch last night is a forecast of the future. While I love snuggling up with my little man, I sleep much better when he's not wiggling around next to me.

January 13, 2010: This picture just makes me smile! Weston's Nanna bought him a nice winter coat. The smallest size she could find was a 2T which is still a tad to big on him. I bundled him up to go to church on Wednesday and this was the result. Poor little guy was so buried in his coat! He didn't complain though. I think I'm going to take the outer part of the coat off for now...

January 14, 2010: I'm pretty sure we have a drummer in the making. Weston absolutely LOVES to play the drums at church. I gave him this drum stick we had at the house and he's been drumming on just about everything he can, including the trash can. I'm seeing a drum set in our house in the very near future.

January 15, 2010: My little band! Haha. But really Grayson was actually playing with the guitar, and Dylan was playing with the mic. I set Weston up with the piano for the picture, and he wasn't too happy about sitting there (as you can see). Who knows though? I can definitely see these 3 jammin' out together in the future!