Week 28!

January 2, 2010: Mike, Kristin, Ms. Bobbie and I all went to Melting Pot in Columbia! It was soooo yummy! I'm addicted...I just wish it wasn't so expensive!

January 3, 2010: We finally made the move from our room for Grayson. This was his first night sleeping in his own crib. It did not go well....

January 4, 2010: Weston had his 18 month doctor's appointment on this day. Both the boys played with this fun table while we were waiting.

January 5, 2010: This is what happens when you leave an 18 month at the table with mac n cheese and yogurt!!! Holy mess!!!! There was also edamame on that plate...although he didn't touch that...

January 6, 2010: I absolutely adore this picture! I'm pretty sure nothing could ever top this! They just love each other so much.

January 7, 2010: Grayson didn't nurse well when he woke up in the morning so I had to pump. I decided to give him the bottle to see if he would take it from there....and he actually held the bottle by himself!!!

January 8, 2010: Since we didn't get ready in time to go to the library for Read 'N Play, Mike decided to do his own version right at home! Weston loved it! The other two kept these expressions on the entire time. While it kept their attention, I don't think they were amused.
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