Week 33!

February 6, 2010: Being stuck inside because of the snow made way for new crafts, including these adorable big/little brother t-shirts I made! I'm so happy with how they turned out...even if Weston didn't want to model them....

February 7, 2010: Mike took Weston out on the deck to play in the snow and he actually liked it this time! So much so that he did not want to come in and almost got smooshed in the door while trying to run back out!

February 8, 2010: After a cold and cabin fever set in, i decided to bring the "no" (snow) inside and let Weston suck on an icicle. It kept him quite content for a while.

February 9, 2010: Just a cute picture of Gray trying to fit his whole hand in his mouth. You can spy Weston moping on the floor in the corner of this picture, the sickness still under way.

February 10, 2010: I made a trip to our next door neighbors to get an egg so I could make cookies. Here I am in the snow!!! It was up to my waist with more still to come down!

February 11, 2010: After shoveling off the deck, the snow on the ground was up to the top of our neighbors privacy fence...tall enough for Mike to jump onto from the deck! Here he is in action!

February 12, 2010: After a day of running errands with Mommy, and still not feeling well, Weston spent the evening relaxing on the couch with his juice, his ninny and his blankie. Fun times. :)
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