Week 42!

April 11, 2010: Pardon the size of this picture, it's the only way I could get it to load since it's actually a freeze frame from a video I took. If you can't tell, Grayson is actually laughing about Weston climbing over him. These two crack me up.

April 12, 2010: Weston helped me bake banana chewy bars. He had a blast pouring the ingredients in the bowl and mixing it up for me. I was quite impressed at how well he did helping me out.

April 13, 2010: Keeping up with being my little helper this week, Weston "helped" me put together a shelf for his room. He loves playing with tools. I can't wait to get him a little tool set for his birthday.

April 14, 2010: Another project I did this week was put Weston's cozy coupe together. He loves his little car. Here are both my boys on the move in their vehicles. :)

April 15, 2010: We finally gave in and got Weston's hair buzzed off. Of course he got a lollipop for being such a big boy during the cut. I love the new look! And he loved the lollipop! Haha

April 16, 2010: I realize that I have a picture very similar to this one from back in October, (Weston is even wearing the same shirt), but it's so fun to see how much he's grown in just such a short time. He can actually blow the seeds off the dandelion now!

April 17, 2010: This was the 2nd night in a row that Grayson went right to sleep when I put him in his crib, instead of screaming for 20 minutes. Yay for progress!!!
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