Week 49!!

May 29, 2010: Weston loves shoes! He tried to wear Mike's flip flops and then walk in them. He was able to scoot the shoes all the way to the door, but that was about it...

May 30, 2010: We crashed the high school pool party that our church threw at the Cave's house. We had so much fun swimming, eating and playing volley ball. Weston even got to touch his first frog! Elyssa was taking pictures for the event and came up with this one. I absolutely love this pic of Weston and me. He looks just like me, right? Haha....NOT!

May 31, 2010: We cooked out with our neighbors, the Warren's, for Memorial Day before heading to my brother's for some more cooking out. We also have our neighbor's to thank for this awesome outdoor carpet! I've been wanting to put something down so the kids can run/walk/crawl without getting a million splinters (our deck is OLD). This carpet was perfect and they LOVE going outside now!

June 1, 2010: More fun on the carpet! I've been trying to get Gray to walk more and more with this toy. He has so much fun. I don't think we have much longer before he is walking on his own.

June 2, 2010: My sister came over to visit with her boyfriend James. The kids had so much fun playing with the two of them. When I took this picture, Tara said "Ribs and Rolls"....a perfect description of my boys!

June 3, 2010: We went to Baugher's Orchard to pick strawberries on this day. I can't wait to go back! We picked and ate fresh strawberries, played at the play ground and had a blast with the animals at the petting zoo.

June 4, 2010: A friend from church has offered us Oriole tickets several times now. We have always had to decline until now! We got a sitter, grabbed some friends and headed to the game. I'm pretty sure we were the only O's fans there. We seemed to be surrounded by Red Sox fans....but at least the Boog's was amazing!
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