Week 9!!!

February 26, 2011: On this morning we took the boys to breakfast, then we went to Dr. Suess Story Time at Target, and then we went to Lowe's Build and Grow Clinic to make race cars. It was a busy morning but the boys really had a great time. Here they are sitting with Mike for story time at Target.

February 27, 2011: Another Grayson melt down. They are happening more and more frequently.

February 28, 2011: We finally made it over to my friend Lana's for a play date. The boys had a great time playing with Jordyn and they met a new friend, Josiah. Lana and I also got a workout in so that was a bonus!

March 1, 2011: Our babysitter for bible study called out sick on this day but I was determined to try and watch the video session anyway. I took the boys and stayed in the Welcome Center with them while class was being held in the Fellowship Hall. Here is Grayson taking a peek out the window at the woman watching Beth Moore. :)

March 2, 2011: My mom treated us to breakfast at IHOP. Yum! Weston insisted on keeping his hood up the entire time. Guess he was cold. :/

March 3, 2011: The funny thing about this couch nap is that right before he passed out (and I mean pass out!) Weston was whining cause he wanted his blankets. The first thing he said when he woke up nearly 2 hours later was "Hey, where are my blankets?" It was as if the nap never happened.

March 4, 2011: Happy Birthday to me!!!! I decided to spend the evening of birthday out to dinner at Cheesecake Factory with Jenn, Angel and Tara. Of course I got the red velvet cheesecake for dessert!
P.S. Sorry about the quality of the photos this week. I have been getting terrible with remembering to carry my camera around so all but one of these were taken on a cell phone. :)