Week 8!!!

February 19, 2011: All packed and ready to go! This is our luggage ready to leave for a mini vacation the next day. We were dropping the boys off at my sisters and heading to Ocean City for a Minister's Conference.

February 20, 2011: Kids seem to have a fascination of cubbies, my child included. These are the cubbies in his classroom at church which he loves to climb in and out of.

February 21, 2011: A picture of all the cousins at my sisters house.

February 22, 2011: Weston getting sleepy at Fawne's. His older cousins kept him busy!

February 23, 2011: The view from our hotel room. Absolutely gorgeous!

February 24, 2011: The epitome of dinner time at our house. Weston is such an entertainer and Gray loves to laugh at him.

February 25, 2011: Somehow I ended up with no picture for this day but that's probably because I was working and didn't think about it when I got home. Brothers Services is where I work on Fridays, hence the logo above. :)
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