Since I'm in the "catching up" mood, here is Week 3 of my 365 Project!
1.15.12-Wedding Dress Shopping!!! My sister Tara is getting married in May! I'm so excited for her! We went to David's Bridal on this day (during the Ravens Game!!! I must really love her...) and she found the perfect dress! Of course I'm not going to put a picture up but here she is with tears of joy! :)

1.16.12-Happy Birthday Mike! This was Mike's 31st birthday! We didn't do anything for his birthday but we do have some fun planned after the fast is over. Instead, my picture is of butter! Homemade butter! Last week I observed Weston's preschool class and they made butter. I thought it looked like fun so we did it home so little brother could see how cool it was. The butter was actually pretty good and only took about 20 minutes to make. So neat!

1.17.12-More experiments! Since Grace missed school on Monday, we tried to recreate the science experiment her class did on that day. She had to build a structure and then place it on Jello, shake it around to simulate an earthquake, and observe how her structure held up to the natural disaster. Our Jello slab didn't turn out too well, but apparently it was tasty! (Disclaimer-I do not recommend eating Jello-It's slimy and gross.)

1.18.12-Grace taught me how to knit. I am really enjoying it for the most part. It can be a little tedious but that's probably because I'm just starting out. This is the beginning of a scarf I am making for Mike, which he WILL wear. :)
1.19.12-Weston's last day of preschool for 4 weeks. Since the high schoolers are changing semesters, his preschool takes a month off for the new class to get situated. Of course, Weston had to go out in style!

1.20.12-I had some errands to run on this morning, and Mike sent me this picture. I love my boys!
1.21.12-SNOW!!! It finally snowed this winter! I am hoping for some safer snow (this was really icy) in the near future so we can make snow angels and snowmen. The boys probably would have stayed out all day playing in the ice (snow) if we'd have let them.

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