July 18, 2009: We took Weston for his first trip to DC! It was also my first trip to any of the museums down there. We went to the Holocaust Museum and then then the American History Museum. Here is Weston sitting on a buoy in the maritime exhibit.

July 19, 2009: Sunday afternoons are a chance for us to chill out as a family. Ms. Bobbie (my mother in law) came over for lunch after church. Weston wanted some blocks down at the bottom of his toy box so Nanna decided it would be fun to just put him in there so he could reach everything.

July 20, 2009: We took about 5 trips to Walmart this week. Here is a picture of one we took with Moo-Moo. (My mom)

July 21, 2009: Uncle Donnie stopped by for a visit and of course my little cuddle bug went right to him. I love this picture of Weston snuggling with his Uncle! (who will soon be our neighbors! Yay!)

July 22, 2009: We are still working on getting baby Grayson out so on Wednesday we took a walk around the block. Here is Weston sitting outside our backyard. I tried to get a picture of him in front of the flowers but he just wanted to play with them instead.

July 23, 2009: Normally Weston naps for about 2 hours in the morning. On this day he decided he only wanted to nap for about an hour, so I went and got him and brought him into bed with me. He fell right back to sleep all smushed up in mommy and daddy's blankets and pillows. I couldn't resist a picture!

July 24, 2009: Church shopping with Kristin. Michael's can be such a fun place!! :)
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