July 25, 2009: Mike, Weston and I went to the Harbor to walk around and get some Chipotle! The walking nor the spicey food induced labor but Weston had a great time exploring the harbor with Daddy!

July 26, 2009: We went out to eat at Applebees on Sunday after church. Weston loves drinking out of big boy cups! I let him try to hold his cup on his own. He did alright before he tried to tip it up like his sippy cup.

July 27, 2009: After a hard day at work on Tuesday, Mike came home and crashed on the floor. Ginger, our cat, quickly jumped next to him to cuddle. She's such a daddy's girl!

July 28, 2009: Game Night at the Ferrante household. Of course this means Weston being cuddled by everyone before going to bed. Here he is trying to feed Kristin with his spoon.

July 29, 2009: This was the second rainbow appearance this week. I wasn't able to get Weston out for the first one, but here he is seeing his first rainbow. He was really excited about it.

July 30, 2009: On this day, I went in for an "emergency" appointment where I had to be monitored. They monitored baby's heart, movement, and contractions for 20 minutes. I was not in active labor or anything so they sent me home. :(

July 31, 2009: My sister came into town and we went to the mall to walk around, again, trying to induce labor. Weston thought the DDR was a lot of fun! Go Maryland!
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