August 22, 2009: Our first full day in Luray and it was raining pretty much all day. Weston's never really been out in the rain, so I took advantage of the wetness and we played on the porch. Weston had a lot of fun dancing and stomping in the little puddles of water on MomMom and Pops porch.

August 23, 2009: We hit the Luray Zoo on Sunday. This zoo is seriously the size of my pinkie but it's perfect for little kids because there's not much walking and there's lots of fun animals. When we were in the reptile house, Weston kept trying to grab the snakes through the glass-so when we went to the snake show, of course I had to let him hold the rat snake. This snake was so well behaved, especially since Weston was trying to pick his scales off!

August 24, 2009: MomMom and Pop have a cool fire pit in their backyard so Monday night, we had s'mores. Weston mostly enjoyed eating the chocolate all by itself but I tried to help him roast a marshmallow.

August 25, 2009: On Tuesday, we made our way back home and met Mike at Arundel Mills. Weston missed his Daddy so much! Look at that big ol' smile! :)

August 26, 2009: I guess the whole Luray trip wiped Weston out because on Wednesday he was ready for an early nap and fell asleep right on the living room floor while I was feeding Grayson. It was too precious not to photograph. :)

August 27, 2009: I figured it was time to break out the double stroller and start family evening walks (since I want to lose 50 lbs and all!). Here is Weston and Grayson and Super Mike all ready to tour the neighborhood! Grayson slept the whole time and Weston enjoyed relaxing and watching all the kids we passed on our walk.

August 28, 2009: We try to take Weston to the library every Friday for Read and Play. He really enjoys the songs and stories and playtime with the other children. Since I've been at home with Grayson for the past 4 weeks, Mike has been taking him alone but I can't wait to take both the boys!
I heart the picture of Weston asleep on the floor.
you are so brave to let him hold that snake!!!!
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