August 15, 2009: Mike's family came to visit the newest addition to our family. His brother and soon to be sister-in-law live in New England so it was great to see them! Here is Aunt Dena (soon!) and Grayson chilling out on the couch. This was also right before Grayson's cord fell off! In the background is Moonpea (Aunt Rose).

August 16, 2009: I love Weston's temper tantrums! He's just too cute! These days they are getting more and more serious. I believe this tantrum had to do with the fact that I told him he couldn't pull the wipes out of the container. Very upsetting... :)

August 17, 2009: Grayson had his first doctor's appointment on this day. He was 2 weeks and 2 days old. We found out that this big boy had gained over 2 pounds in his first 2 weeks and that he's pretty perfect! (But we knew that of course...haha ;)

August 18, 2009: Since Weston has taken to using a fork, I decided he needed some real big boy utensils and plates! Here he is using his new plate and fork like a pro!

August 19, 2009: Talk about parallel play! Weston and Quinton were having so much fun Wednesday night playing with Mr. Potato Head. Quinton is only 2 1/2 months older than Weston so I really am enjoying watching them grow and play (sort of) together. Quinton also really likes to sit on Weston. I'll try to capture that soon!

August 20, 2009: Since Weston was doing so well with his fork, I thought we'd give his spoon a try! It went alright but was extremely messy trying to eat yogurt with his spoon for the first time. I was pretty amazed that some of it actually made it to his mouth!

August 21, 2009: This was the day we left for Luray, Virginia to go visit MomMom and Pop in their new house in the mountains. Weston is really enjoying his new snack cups. So much, in fact, that he had to have both of them and ended up getting his hands stuck in them. It was extremely funny! He didn't think so after a while so I had to help him get free.
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