Week 14!!!

September 26, 2009: We went down to Glen Burnie to visit Mike's dad on his 53rd birthday. Mike's dad and stepmom live in North Carolina but are in the process of moving back to Maryland. This was also the first time they met Grayson. Here is Weston with Mike and his Papa. You can really see how much they all look alike here even though the picture isn't that great.

September 27, 2009: I love Sunday afternoons because of the time we get to spend with Mike's mom and just relax! We stopped by KFC for lunch on this day and Weston decided he wanted his Nanna's drink! Clearly he's no expert at drinking from a cup! Luckily there wasn't much left in it.

September 28, 2009: I never liked these sort of pants with the picture on the butt. I always thought it was pretty tacky...that was until I put them on Grayson (never did it with Weston) and saw how stinkin' cute they look on when the model is sleeping with his butt sticking up in the air! I just couldn't resist taking a picture of Grayson's behind as he slept after a long morning at the doctor's office!

September 29, 2009: Weston is always wanting to do everything that Grayson does. Luckily I have two of these mats because Weston was pretty much trying to push Grayson off so he could get on. I laid down the second one for Weston and he stayed on pretty much just long enough for me to get this picture. I love it though....and, as you can see, I'm getting pretty addicted to dressing them alike!

September 30, 2009: Ok, I realize how gross this is. I had a cute little picture of Weston all ready to post, but then I decided that we need to capture the un-cute photos every now and then. I took this picture with my phone to send to Mike so he could be just as astonished at this mess as I was. I'm using it for my 365 picture so that maybe one day, when I get baby fever, I can see this one moment caught in time and snap out of it! Haha. But seriously, this was the worst blow out I've ever dealt with....ever.

October 1, 2009: I'm planning on going out with friends this weekend baby-less so we've been trying to get Grayson to take breastmilk from the bottle. Our first attempt definitely failed but now he's getting the hang of it! This was the first time Mike has ever fed Grayson. It was such a sweet moment. Hopefully, it will go well this Saturday!

October 2, 2009: North Carroll High School had their homecoming game this night so Mike and I decided to go and support the team! This was also Weston's first football game! Of course he didn't really care about the game but he had a lot of fun playing with Adelle and Mark. Mike was taking this picture and you can't see, but I was holding Grayson-trying to shield him from the rain. And that's Kristin next to me! She was holding her Coach purse, shielding it from the rain as well! Haha. I also think it's pretty great that the kid in the background is posing for our picture! GO NCHS! :)
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