Week 16!

October 10, 2009: I found this costume among some clothes that were given to me by a friend. Weston loved wearing it around the house and to the grocery store!

October 11, 2009: Grayson was dedicated at church on this Sunday. Mike's grandparents came down to celebrate the occasion. Here's an awesome picture of Ed, Hon, Weston and Grayson hanging out on the porch.

October 12, 2009: Weston has recently developed a love for scribbling. So far I've been able to keep the scribbling on paper. He also loves to multi-task, watching TV and drawing at the same time! )

October 13, 2009: This week I started babysitting our next door neighbor Dylan. He's 6 1/2 months old and such a good boy! Weston thought it would be sweet to give Dylan a kiss with a mouth full of twizzler. Dylan couldn't be happier about having a half-chewed piece of twizzler stuck on his head.

October 14, 2009: A gift in the mail from my sister Fawne. 'Nuff said. :)

October 15, 2009: Weston's favorite game! Being thrown all over the couch. He couldn't stop laughing this night while Mike tossed him over and over again! It was adorable.

October 16, 2009: At Read and Play again! This time we let Weston draw since, as previously told, he loves scribbling now! It looks like Mike had more fun with the crayons though. :)
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