Week 7!

February 12, 2011: We took the boys to Chik fil A for breakfast before hitting the Lowes Build and Grow Clinic. Looks like this is becoming a routine and I like it!

February 13, 2011: We had a few friends over for some good food and games. Our friend Nina brought her niece Anya so the boys had a friend too. BTW...This was taken with Weston's camera. Not sure if he actually took the picture but if so he did a pretty decent job.

February 14, 2011: Happy Valentine's Day! Mike and I decided when we started dating that we wouldn't celebrate V-Day due to our birthdays being surrounded by the date; however, now that the boys are a little older, I do enjoy giving them Valentine's gifts and making cookies (with a Kiss)! These are Peanut Butter Blossoms in the making. Weston helped roll the dough in sugar.

February 15, 2011: This day was the first day of my woman's bible study at church. We are doing Beth Moore's Breaking Free this time around and I am pumped! Hope is a great friend who agreed to watch the boys in the nursery while I'm in class. The boys adore Hope and always have so much fun with her, whether they are taking goofy pics in the mirror or playing TomCat on her phone. :)

February 16, 2011: This is Grayson. He's throwing a fit. I think it's hilarious to watch. (He doesn't agree).

February 17, 2011: The weather is beginning to warm up and I couldn't be happier! I'd forgotten how much I enjoy taking the boys out on the deck and soaking up the sun. We cleaned up all the toys outside and I was sure the sand would be yucky and breeding some kind of fungus but lo and behold it was clean and ready to be played with, which was lucky because I may have had an uprising on my hands had I told the boys they had to wait.

February 18, 2011: Have I mentioned how much I love my sister-in-law Meredith? Not only does she make my brother a very happy man, but she really made me a very happy woman on this day by giving my darling husband this handsome hair cut. Mike's hair was getting long and stringy (and a little homely looking), but she fixed that and I love his new look! So sexy!
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