Monday, November 30, 2009

Week 22: 365

Week 22!
November 21, 2009: I've been wanting to get a storage organizer for a while so I could put Weston's toy box up in what will be his new room. Thanks to my wonderful mother-in-law, we were able to get the organizer! Doesn't it look wonderful?

November 22, 2009: I promise I didn't lay on Weston. I lifted my head for a second and he scooted underneath of me and stayed there for a while. I'm thinking he was feeling a little jealous but it made for a cute picture with my boys! I especially love that Weston's hand is blocking my double chin! Haha.

November 23, 2009: Weston makes up for all the torture he throws at Ginger by moments like this. He loves his big sister.

November 24, 2009: We had pizza night early this week since it's one of the only things I can cook without Mike's help. :) (Mike was at church for a meeting) Grayson joined us at the dinner table and I'm glad I was able to capture this picture. He stares at Weston frequently with such love in his eyes. It's absolutely precious.

November 25, 2009: We bought Weston this Magna-Doodle to occupy his time in the car for our ride down to Massanutten. It worked! It kept him content for most of the ride.

November 26, 2009: Happy Thanksgiving! Dinner was awesome but so was spending time with my dad fishing afterward. I didn't catch anything but Mike did.

November 27, 2009: I'm so glad that Weston is finally starting to pay attention to his little brother. This is the two of them at my parents house in Luray, Virginia. Weston was being a good boy and giving Gray his ninny.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Week 21: 365

Week 21!
November 14, 2009: Weston just won't stop climbing all over everything. I've decided I need to put the straps back in his high chair since he scares me half to death every time he stands up like this!

November 15, 2009: Another wonderful Sunday afternoon. We had lunch at Olive Garden with my mother in law. She was so awesome to hold Gray so I could eat my food!

November 16, 2009: Haha! He was actually watching TV like this! Too funny.

November 17, 2009: Like, I said, Weston's climbing all over things. That new thrill combined with the his new obsession with flipping switches equals this dangerous maneuver. (Not too dangerous to capture a pic of real quick ;)

November 18, 2009: Today was Mike and my 3rd year anniversary. We weren't celebrating until the next day since we both have to be at church on Wednesday nights. It's been such an amazing 3 years. I can't wait to celebrate many many more!

November 19, 2009: To celebrate our anniversary Mike and I went to The Melting Pot. It was absolutely amazing. Here's Mike trying to finish off his shrimp. He was determined not to waste one piece of food. :)

November 20, 2009: Here is Kristin, Adelle and me at 2:30 a.m. after seeing the midnight showing of New Moon! It was so much fun! I'm glad we did it and I can't wait to do it again when Eclipse comes out! :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

For Better or For Worse

As Mike and I approach our 3 year anniversary and I look at all we've been through, I'm so thankful that when we said "For better or for worse" we meant it. Trust me, we've been through worse. We've trucked through. Sure, maybe it's hasn't been the worse that could be but it was by no means easy. And yes, three years isn't that long and I'm sure we'll face even more struggles. All I can say is that I'm glad I serve a God who loves. A God who forgives. A God who doesn't give up when things get hard. My husband loves me and it's by God's grace that he puts up with me and all the "crap" that comes with me. And the same goes the other way around. We take our marriage day by day. Most days are easy but then there are those rocky days where we have to work. Those are the days that count. The days that make us learn. I'm glad that I'll be able to look back at those days and be glad that we pushed through and didn't give up. It's those days that make us stronger. I love Mike more and more. It's hard to believe that this love can get any stronger but then it does.

However, I'm also forced to think about a number of our peers who have given up on their marriages. At least 4 of our couple friends are no longer together. I have to ask myself, when and why did the words "For Better of For Worse" lose their meaning to so many people. I'm appalled at the lack of sincerity that these words hold for so many of my peers. I'm broken hearted and grieved more than ever. All of these couples have a child. All are Christians. All made the same vow. All have given into the lies of the devil! All have given into the world's view that divorce is an acceptable outlet when things get hard. When did the phrase "When the going gets tough the tough get going" turn into "When the going gets tough....See ya!"?

I know the reasons behind 3 out of 4 of the divorces of our friends. I know that in at least 2 of the 4 it was the woman who gave in. Do we not understand that life is hard? That men have struggles? That they need God's grace as much as ours? That they need our support? That they are human!? When they made their vows they thought that they had a partner that would stick with them through thick and thin. That wouldn't give up on them. How wrong they were! I'm almost ashamed of my gender in this respect. Why is it that we have given into the world's view of having to be perfect, beautiful, flawless? When our husbands don't feed into that idea the way we need him to, we get so offended. God tells us to not be offended! Our beauty, our worth lies in Him. Not in our husbands! They are only human and prone to sin just as we are! Why do we take that personally? We can't blame them totally. (I'm not saying it doesn't hurt) We need to realize and rebuke the Liar behind it all! Don't let the Devil steal your joy! Show him who's in charge! Stick by your husband through all the Devil presents him until he can no longer break through! For Better or For there for your husband in every sense of the way. Emotionally, Spiritually, and Physically!

Please don't think I'm judging these couples or making their struggles seem simple. That's not my point at all. I'm simply analyzing what's going on in this world and the sacredness of marriage. I'm just using these events as examples because it's what I have to go off of. I'm sick of the Devil discouraging people. I'm sick of the "fate" he's laid on young couples. I'm sick of seeing young divorcees with children, and what their children are going through. I've always believed that when you set your mind on something (something that God approves of), that something will come to fruition. So if you have in your mind "I can handle anything that comes our way in this marriage", you will work that much harder to see that that's exactly what happens. If you think that everything is going to come at you easy as're setting yourself up for failure. The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy and you are no exception! But be prayfully prepared, mindfully prepared (Both of you!) and you will push through. You will see better days. You will be triumphant. And you will stand by the vows that you took before God, before loved ones. For Better of For Worse.

Did you mean it?

(I'm sorry if I rambled and vented a little too much but I just needed to get this off my chest. I know the devil is a liar. I rebuke this "trend" from my life, and the life of my friends. My prayer is that the devil will not continue to take joy from young married couples-that one day "For Better or For Worse" will actually mean something when "For Worse" actually comes around.)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Week 20: 365

Week 20!
November 7, 2009: We had a lunch and shopping date with Kristin and Adelle. Kristin so nicely played dress up with Weston while I shopped! Look how cute this outfit is! It was so hard to resist buying this hat but I knew he'd never really wear it.

November 8, 2009: After dinner Mike and I just sat at the table and talked for a little while. Weston was so cute just sitting in his seat and listening to us talk. He seemed genuinely interested in what we were saying.

November 9, 2009: I went to get Weston from this room in the morning and this is how he looked! Too funny!

November 10, 2009: Grayson first rolled over all by himself on Thursday, November 6, 2009. I didn't get a picture of it then and now he's a pro! Here he is mid-roll! Go Gray, Go!

November 11, 2009: Following in Daddy's footsteps! Wednesday night, Weston took a little time to explore the stage at church.

November 12, 2009: Pizza Night! Weston was waiting (not so patiently) for the pizza's to be done. He was hungry!

November 13, 2009: Mike and I took the boys to Owings Mills mall on Friday to do some shopping. We stopped at one of the wishing fountains and I tried to show Weston how to throw the coins in. He wasn't so quick to throw the money away (again...following in Daddy's footsteps :)! (The lights in the fountain were messing up the clarity of the picture but I think this looks pretty cool anyway.)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Week 19: 365

Week 19!
October 31, 2009: Halloween! Weston was Brobee from Yo Gabba Gabba for Halloween! It was a little drizzly so Mike just pushed him around for about an hour in his stroller. He got lots of candy though!

November 1, 2009: Nanna and her grandbabies! I am so blessed to have such an amazing mother in law!

November 2, 2009: Weston is currently discovering the joys of condiments and dipping his food. On this day, I tried giving him ketchup, then mustard and then homemade pesto on his chicken. He settled for the pesto and absolutely loved it. Mike is such a good chef!

November 3, 2009: Grayson, passed out, with his new pacifier. He's finally taking Nuks!

November 4, 2009: Grayson's first time grabbing a toy all on his own. He was absolutely in love with this little frog I bought at Target. He laughed and cooed at it all night.

November 5, 2009: I showed Weston how to make music with his links by blowing into them like you would a bottle. I tried to get a shot of him trying to make the sound, but toddlers never cooperate when you need them to...

November 6, 2009: My sister in law Meredith came over Friday to dye and cut mine and Kristin's hair. Aren't we just gorgeous? Haha.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Week 18:365

Week 18!
October 24, 2009: Adelle and Kristin had joint birthday bash/fall fun night on this night. Weston and his musical self, was of course drawn to the Guitar Hero game!

October 25, 2009: At the end of the Harvest Hoedown at church Sunday night, they had a bonfire as they do every year. I love getting all cozy and warm with my family.

October 26, 2009: Weston is sure to be into something if I find he's too quiet for any period of time. This time it was the wipes...again. He balled each one up and put them in his shape sorter bin. Here he is trying to put them all back for me. How nice. :)

October 27, 2009: Weston is loving sitting in big boy chairs these days. I have to watch him with this chair though because it tips over pretty easily. Mike and I are planning on getting him a table and chair set for Christmas so he can sit and eat his cookies and watch tv without me being worried the whole time!

October 28, 2009: I think Weston knows how much Grayson hates to be in his carseat. He always tries to comfort him by giving him his ninnie or rocking his carseat back and forth. What a good big brother!
October 29, 2009: Weston "helping" his Moo-Moo (my mom) with the dishes....

October 30, 2009: Mike and I took the boys to Spring Meadow Farms to pick out pumpkins. We tried to get Weston to do the hay maze but he wasn't having it! Maybe next year.