Saturday, July 4, 2009


While I realize that sometimes a dream you have may mean nothing at all, I do believe that sometimes God gives us dreams for a specific purpose. That being said, let me recap a dream I had last night....

I was staying at my parents house with Weston. For some reason I don't believe that anyone was staying at the house with us. They were all packing to go somewhere. I'm sitting in the living room with Weston and all the sudden a snake comes across the floor and tries to attack us. I scream and panic, covering Weston for safety and run into my old bedroom where Weston's playpen is set up. I look up and there's another snake hanging from the ceiling. I go out of the room to look for my dad. I'm looking and looking and finally get his attention to come look for this snake. I practically have to beg him to believe me and help me kill the snakes. I realize that the snake that was on the ceiling has now fallen into the playpen with Weston who is trying to play with it. Thankfully he is not bitten and I kill this first snake (while still waiting for my dad to show up). I'm pleading with my dad again, assuring him that there IS another snake and I want to find it and kill it! I need my son to be safe! I look over and see the other snake (much bigger this time) slinking around. My brother Shane grabs the snake at the direction of my dad and proceeds to bite its head off in order to destroy it. Totally gruesome I know...

While normally I would think nothing of a dream like this, I have to believe that this dream definitely has some significance. I realize that the snake in this dream is representative of the snake in life that seeks to destroy us daily. That being said, let me retell this dream in the way I believe God is telling it to me. I'm at my Father's house...feeling alone spiritually. I feel the need to protect my loved ones in any way possible. I see that the devil is coming to attack and I do what I can to destroy it, meanwhile praying for God to help me. The first attack...I defeat on my own knowing my Father is coming to help. But there's a greater threat. One that is plotting to get alone with my children...seeking the opportunity to "play" with him more in his playpen. I'm pleading and pleading with the Father but I can't do it alone...I need my Brothers (and Sisters) in Christ to help me out in this one because the devil has come back bigger and badder this time! With the direction of the Father my family is able to defeat this beast. It is not's a gruesome and disgusting defeat but finally, my family is safe.

I'm definitely awakened by this dream. I know that I am going to have a continual battle in this life to protect my family from the snakes of this world. I feel challenged to pray, and pray harder than ever before because a simple plead will not defeat the enemy alone. I need support!

Lord, Thank you for your insight and your new challenge for my life. I pray that daily I feel that challenge and get on my knees pleading for the salvation of my children. I know that the devil has a plan to seek, kill and destroy but my faith is bigger than that plan and I will do anything to destroy the SNAKE!!! Lord, I call on you for your guidance, your support and expertise on raising my children. I know they may try to "play" with snake at times and may even get bitten but father I rebuke the poison that may infest their blood and I speak healing over every bite! The devil CAN NOT and WILL NOT have my family!!! Lord, raise me up to be a mighty warrior, ready for every battle! Armed and dangerous against the enemy! As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord! There is no room for snakes here...I'm ready to exterminate!

Praise you!


LtrOusRtD23 said...

Wow. This post is amazing. Awesome connection between your dream and real life. :) <3

Nanna B said...

just read this dream girl and God has your family in the palm of his hand holding you up I pray for you guys always and I believe thats why God wanted me to anoint your house not just for blessing but to remove any demonic forces that were there and I believe God did remove them in Jesus name I felt God's power overtake me when I prayed for your home, so you dont have to worry I believe in my heart that Weston will grow to be a mighty man of God. Thats what I pray daily for him. Remember God is truth and man is a liar. Believe and recieve it in Jesus name Amen love you